Admire Her From Afar -

Wounded Bird Series

Today's Inspiration:


Nettie Rosenstein


Nettie Rosenstein Gown

Imagine my glee upon finding this amazing 1940s dress "in the wild", bearing not one, but two of my favorite "to die for" labels;

Nettie Rosenstein & Nan Duskin.


Then, upon closer inspection, imagine my heartbreak.

The view from across the room is breathtaking.  But up close, time has not been a friend to her. 

Too damaged for a restoration but I felt like she needed another moment to shine.

We have all seen the effects of time on vintage fabrics;  the lace that has weakened to the point that it would not stand up to the stress of being worn; the deterioration of the silk chiffon skirt where numerous holes have formed.


So much sadness.


So here she will live. 







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